Sunday, 28 June 2009

End of part one

I've been wanting to update here for quite a while, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
The ERPC went as well as could be expected. The hospital staff were all very kind and helpful, and the aftereffects of the procedure didn't last very long. The mental effects lasted a lot longer, though. I cried most of the time for days, and a lot of the time for quite a while afterwards. I started having panic attacks too. I was shaking almost continuously and was terrified of everything. It was good that we had the holiday in Australia, but I felt so bad about going, like I was abandoning Tadpole, leaving him behind.
Dammit, I'm crying again just writing this...

We started trying again as soon as physically possible but it took a long time for my periods to come back - about three months. It's probably a good thing that I didn't get pregnant again too soon, though. I think we needed healing time.

I guess that's the end of part one. Now on to the future.

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