Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Freaking out

Ths morning I had some brown spotting which really worried me, even though it was just a tiny bit. There was a little bit more during the day, but it seems to have stopped now.
I did some online research, and apparently it's very common in early pregnancy, and doesn't usually mean there's any problem, but that doesn't stop me freaking out and obsessively checking my knickers.

I finally phoned my doctors' surgery and explained that I was pregnant and didn't know who I should be making an appointment to see. The receptionist said that I should probably start by seeing a doctor, and managed to find me an appointment for Thursday afternoon.

I'm really nervous. I'm scared that the doctor will say I'm not really pregnant (Yes, I know - despite the sickness, huge boobs and four positive tests...) or that the things I did before knowing I had conceived might have hurt the baby. The week before my period was due I had alcohol, pate, blue cheese, antihistamine tablets and a tiny bit of hash. (Not all at the same time!)

I'll post tomorrow once I've been for my appointment.

1 comment:

Nettie said...

I'm sure it'll be fine sweetheart just as long as you don't continue to do them while you're pregnant. The first thing my older sister did when she found out she was pregnant was go to the pub and get a beer she was freaking out so much! Darcie turned out pretty good.